Grant Application
If you have been through a recent trauma and are looking for additional resources for your recovery, please reach out. We will carefully consider all applications. Please note with an uptick in notifications we might not be able to get back to everone who was reached out.
Fill out the application form and we will get in touch with you shortly.
At this point in time, there is no deadline for submissions.
HTGR’s grants are primarily need-based and are awarded based on our team’s mission and vision. All are welcome to apply, provided they meet the criteria below.
A description of their traumatic event, including the date
Their personal rehabilitative goals identified in a manner in which HTGR can create a tailored recovery plan. The applicant must also identify how they plan to follow through with the plan/goals.
An estimated budget that outlines potential costs to the best of their knowledge. HTGR can assist with outlining a budget in certain circumstances.